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Tagline  Dated  List  HTMLScript

TAGLINES script generates colors for modification dates in the list of classified tagline sections.  Colors are chosen in such a way that brighter colors correspond to more recently modified items:

            Fuchsia  - Modified within last    week.
Red - Modified within last    month.
Brown - Modified within last 3 months.
Black - Modified beyond last 3 months.

To make script simple and quick it is assumed that any year contains 365 days and any month contains 30 days.  This might cause a slight imprecision on the border lines, but this anyway can not be completely avoided since server date might differ from that of a client. 

Notes: Entire HTMLScript code is placed between </HEAD> and <BODY> tags.
HTMLScript line right above <BODY> tag selects a background at random out of 9 opportunities.

<!-- Taglines         01/08/1998–12/15/1998 -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 1998 by Vladimir Veytsel -->

  <TITLE>Taglines (Miscellaneous at Davar Web Site)</TITLE>

<!-- Random    -->  <LET D1="04/26/1998">  <LET C1="Black">
<!-- Wisdom    -->  <LET D2="03/06/1998">  <LET C2="Black">
<!-- Humor     -->  <LET D3="03/06/1998">  <LET C3="Black">
<!-- Computer  -->  <LET D4="03/06/1998">  <LET C4="Black">
<!-- Corporate -->  <LET D5="03/06/1998">  <LET C5="Black">
<!-- Political -->  <LET D6="03/06/1998">  <LET C6="Black">
<!-- Adult     -->  <LET D7="06/15/1998">  <LET C7="Black">
<!-- General   -->  <LET D8="03/06/1998">  <LET C8="Black">

<LET Total=8>  <!-- Current total number of items in the above list -->

<LET Cur_Date=365*tm_year+30*tm_mon+tm_mday>

<LET I=0>
<WHILE I LE Total>
  <LET I=I+1>
  <LET Month=(D&[I] SUBSTR "1,2")>
  <LET Day  =(D&[I] SUBSTR "4,2")>
  <LET Year =(D&[I] SUBSTR "7,4")>
  <LET Mod_Date=365*Year+30*Month+Day>
  <LET Diff=Cur_Date-Mod_Date>
  <IF Diff LE 90>
      <LET C&[I]="Maroon">   <!-- Modified during last 3 months -->
  <IF Diff LE 30>
      <LET C&[I]="Red">      <!-- Modified during last   month  -->
  <IF Diff LE 7>
      <LET C&[I]="Fuchsia">  <!-- Modified during last   week   -->

<LET I=((tm_min*tm_sec) MOD 9)+1>
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3>
    <FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=Red><B><I><U>Taglines</U></I></B></FONT>
    <!-- Disabled until screen will start scrolling
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../HOME.HTS">Davar site entry</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../DIRECT.HTS">Site contents</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../INDEX.HTS">Site index</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../MISCL.HTS">Miscellaneous</A>
  <TABLE>  <!-- Keep all extra spaces at the top row -->
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="RANDOM.HTS?0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0">Random</A></B></TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C1]>&[D1]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD> </TD>
        <TD><I>Random tagline samples</I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="WISDOM.HTS">Wisdom</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C2]>&[D2]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"Doing it the hard way is always easier."  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="HUMOR.HTS">Humor</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C3]>&[D3]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"Just a possum on the information superhighway..."  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="COMPUTER.HTS">Computer</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C4]>&[D4]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"Become a programmer and never see the world!"  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="CORPORAT.HTS">Corporate</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C5]>&[D5]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"The scenery only changes for the lead dog."  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="POLITICS.HTS">Political</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C6]>&[D6]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"An honest politician: One who stays bought."  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="ADULT.HTS">Adult</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C7]>&[D7]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"A man without a woman is like a neck without pain."  </I></TD>
        <TD><B><A HREF="GENERAL.HTS">General</A></B></TD>
        <TD><I><FONT SIZE="-1">1998 - <FONT COLOR=&[C8]>&[D8]</FONT></FONT></I></TD>
        <TD><I>"Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal."  </I></TD>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../HOME.HTS">Davar site entry</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../DIRECT.HTS">Davar site contents</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../../INDEX.HTS">Davar site index</A>
    <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to</FONT> <A HREF="../MISCL.HTS">Miscellaneous</A>

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To make text executable rename it to *.HTS and make a global change of "&lt;" to "<" signs.
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