<!-- Picture Display with Proximity Navigation 08/24/2001-12/23/2007 --> <!-- ---------------------------------------------------------- 10/03/2007 --> <!-- www.davar.net/PICTURE.HTM --> <!-- Copyright (C) 2001-2007 by Vladimir Veytsel --> <!-- Spaces in picture description are substituted for %20 to please the --> <!-- Apache server that doesn't tolerate spaces in the URL. URL is used --> <!-- here to pass parameters to PICTURE.HTM from THUMBLST.JS (initially) --> <!-- and from itself (recursively for proximity navigation). --> <!-- Vertical split bar "|" is used as parameter delimiter for referencing --> <!-- PICTURE.HTM that displays the full-size picture. To avoid possible --> <!-- problems "|" is substituted for "!" in every picture description. --> <!-- To check URL parameter structure do [View]-[Show]-[Location Toolbar] --> <HTML> <HEAD> <LINK REL="shortcut icon" HREF="favicon.ico" TYPE="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="Text/HTML; CharSet=ISO-8859-1"> <META NAME = Description CONTENT ="Page: Picture Display Window. Site: Davar Web Site, Computer Science, Programming, Mainframe, Client/Server, PC, Internet, Mathematics, Go, Zen, Quotations, Extracts, Humor, Russian."> <META NAME = Keywords CONTENT ="Davar Web Site, Picture display, Picture album, Picture gallery"> <META NAME = Author CONTENT="Vladimir Veytsel"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> <!-- Parm=location.search.substr(1) // Get URL parameters Parameter=Parm.split("|") // Parse parameters into an array Pict_Ind=Number(Parameter[0]) // Picture index within picture list Dn_Dir = Parameter[1] // Down direct (relative to PICTURE.HTM) // that contains *.JS file, thumbnail dir // and picture dir (empty - current dir; // when specified should end with "/") Pict_Lst= Parameter[2] // *.JS file with picture list (in Dn_Dir) Thum_Dir= Parameter[3] // Direct with thumbnail JPGs (in Dn_Dir) Pict_Dir= Parameter[4] // Direct with picture JPGs (in Dn_Dir) Title = Parameter[5].replace(/%20/g," ") // Restore spaces document.write("<TITLE>#"+Pict_Ind+" - "+Title.replace(/\/'/g,"'").replace(/ /g,"  ")+"</TITLE>") // Preload images to the page - this turns out to be essential // for setting Status value along with highlighting buttons // with onMouseOver/onMouseOut event handlers that swap images. // (Names are insignificant - choose any descriptive enough) But_Fst_Act = new Image(13,13); But_Fst_Act.src="BUT-FSTA.GIF" But_Fst_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_Fst_Sel.src="BUT-FSTS.GIF" But_2Bk_Act = new Image(13,13); But_2Bk_Act.src="BUT-2BKA.GIF" But_2Bk_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_2Bk_Sel.src="BUT-2BKS.GIF" But_1Bk_Act = new Image(13,13); But_1Bk_Act.src="BUT-1BKA.GIF" But_1Bk_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_1Bk_Sel.src="BUT-1BKS.GIF" But_Stp_Act = new Image(13,13); But_Stp_Act.src="BUT-STPA.GIF" But_Stp_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_Stp_Sel.src="BUT-STPS.GIF" But_1Ah_Act = new Image(13,13); But_1Ah_Act.src="BUT-1AHA.GIF" But_1Ah_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_1Ah_Sel.src="BUT-1AHS.GIF" But_2Ah_Act = new Image(13,13); But_2Ah_Act.src="BUT-2AHA.GIF" But_2Ah_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_2Ah_Sel.src="BUT-2AHS.GIF" But_Lst_Act = new Image(13,13); But_Lst_Act.src="BUT-LSTA.GIF" But_Lst_Sel = new Image(13,13); But_Lst_Sel.src="BUT-LSTS.GIF" function Proc_Key(ev) {if (ev) // Netscape Key=ev.which else Key=window.event.keyCode if (Key!=0) // Keys with zero ASCII value are ignored this is // (essential to keep standard window functionality) if (Key==13) // [Enter] key was pressed javascript:window.location.href=One_Ahead_HREF else switch (String.fromCharCode(Key)) {case "F": // Move to the First picture in the picture list case "f": case "{": case "[": javascript:window.location.href=First_HREF break; case "B": // Move two pictures Back case "b": case "<": case ",": javascript:window.location.href=Two_Back_HREF break; case "P": // Move to the Previous picture case "p": case "_": case "-": javascript:window.location.href=One_Back_HREF break; case "R": // Return to the picture list (thumbnails) case "r": case ":": case ";": javascript:void(window.close()); break; case "N": // Move to the Next picture case "n": case "+": case "=": javascript:window.location.href=One_Ahead_HREF break; case "A": // Move two pictures Ahead case "a": case ">": case ".": javascript:window.location.href=Two_Ahead_HREF break; case "L": // Move to the Last picture in the picture list case "l": case "}": case "]": javascript:window.location.href=Last_HREF break; default: alert(// Comment out next two lines after debugging // "*** Key pressed - ASCII: "+Key // +" Character: \""+String.fromCharCode(Key)+"\" ***\n\n"+ "Click the big picture to return to picture list, or click one of the thumbnails " +"\n(or buttons) for circular proximity navigation. As you move mouse cursor," +"\nwatch the Status Bar at the bottom of the window - text in it depends on" +"\nthe cursor position, and either describes selected object, or prompts for" +"\na possible action." +"\n\nTo avoid confusion don't use Windows Task Bar to switch between" +"\nthumbnail list and full-size picture windows." +"\n\nYou may press the following keys for proximity navigation in this window" +"\n(values shown below label keys to be pressed; entry is case-insensitive):" +"\n\n'F' or '['\t- Move to the First picture in the picture list" +"\n'B' or '<'\t- Move two pictures Back" +"\n'P' or '-'\t- Move to the Previous picture" +"\n'R' or ':'\t- Return to the picture list (thumbnails)" +"\n'N' or '+'\t- Move to the Next picture (or press [Enter] key)" +"\n'A' or '>'\t- Move two pictures Ahead" +"\n'L' or ']'\t- Move to the Last picture in the picture list" +"\n\n'H' or '?'\t- Display navigation help (this window)" +"\n\nBlinking of thumbnail number indicates that this picture is beyond upper" +"\nor lower list border (circular navigation is invoked)." +"\n\nTo save the picture point to it with the mouse cursor, click right mouse" +"\nbutton, and then proceed with 'Save Image As' from the pop-up menu." +"\n\nPress any other symbolic key (character, digit or symbol) to display help." ); } } // Needed only for Microsoft IE and Netscape 4.x; // Causes event duplication in Netscape 7.x and Mozilla. if (( navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")|| ((navigator.appName=="Netscape")&& (Number(navigator.appVersion.substr(0,1))<5))) document.onkeypress=Proc_Key // Needed for Netscape 4.8; maybe for some other older browsers too... if ((navigator.appName=="Netscape")&& (Number(navigator.appVersion.substr(0,1))<5)&& (document.captureEvents)) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS) // For new browsers - checked with Firefox 2.0, Netscape 7.2, IE 6.0 if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener("keypress",Proc_Key,true) //--> </SCRIPT> <STYLE TYPE="Text/CSS"> A:HOVER {COLOR:Red; BACKGROUND:#FFFF66} </STYLE> </HEAD> <NOSCRIPT> <BODY BACKGROUND="PAPER001.JPG" BGCOLOR=White TEXT=Black LINK=Blue ALINK=Fuchsia VLINK=Purple> </NOSCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> <!-- N=Math.floor(Math.random()*9)%9+1 document.write("<BODY BACKGROUND='PAPER00",N,".JPG' BGCOLOR=White TEXT=Black LINK=Black ALINK=Black VLINK=Black>") document.write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript SRC='",Dn_Dir,Pict_Lst,".JS'></SCRIPT>") //--> </SCRIPT> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> <NOSCRIPT> <TABLE ALIGN=CENTER CELLPADDING=10 BORDER=2> <TR> <TD ALIGN=Center> Sorry,<BR> Essential functionality of this page<BR> depends on availability of JavaScript.<BR> Your JavaScript is either disabled,<BR> or not supported by your browser.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN=Center> Please <A HREF="../../ABOUT.HTM#JavaScript"><FONT COLOR=Red><BLINK><B>enable</B></BLINK></FONT></A> JavaScript<BR> and [<FONT COLOR=Red>Reload</FONT>] this page,<BR> or use [<FONT COLOR=Red>Back</FONT>] to <FONT COLOR=Red>exit</FONT>.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </NOSCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> <!-- Ind = new Array(4) // Index meaning: Numb = new Array(4) // 0 - Two back Pict = new Array(4) // 1 - One back Descr = new Array(4) // 2 - One ahead Target = new Array(4) // 3 - Two ahead Button = new Array(7) // Full button image description (IMG tag) Pas_But = new Array(7) // "xxxx" part of BUT-xxxx.GIF file name Pas_But[0]="FSTP" // Passive buttons' "xxxx" values Pas_But[1]="2BKP" // of the "BUT-xxxx.GIG" file name Pas_But[2]="1BKP" Pas_But[3]="STPA" Pas_But[4]="1AHP" Pas_But[5]="2AHP" Pas_But[6]="LSTP" for (i=0;i<7;i++) // Initialize button bar with passive button values Button[i]="<IMG SRC='BUT-"+Pas_But[i]+".GIF' ALT='Passive button'>" Curr_Pict =Picture[Pict_Ind].substr(0,8)+" " Curr_Pict =Curr_Pict.substr(0,Curr_Pict.indexOf(" ")) Pict_Descr=Picture[Pict_Ind].substr(9).replace(/\\\'/g,"'").replace(/\|/g,"!") Pict_Total=Picture.length-1 Ind[0]=Pict_Ind-2 Numb[0]=Ind[0] if (Ind[0]<1) {Ind[0]=Pict_Total+Ind[0] Numb[0]="<BLINK>"+Ind[0]+"</BLINK>" } Target[0]="previous to the previous picture" Ind[1]=Pict_Ind-1 Numb[1]=Ind[1] if (Ind[1]<1) {Ind[1]=Pict_Total Numb[1]="<BLINK>"+Ind[1]+"</BLINK>" } Target[1]="previous picture from the picture list" Ind[2]=Pict_Ind+1 Numb[2]=Ind[2] if (Ind[2]>Pict_Total) {Ind[2]=Ind[2]%Pict_Total Numb[2]="<BLINK>"+Ind[2]+"</BLINK>" } Target[2]="next picture from the picture list" Ind[3]=Pict_Ind+2 Numb[3]=Ind[3] if (Ind[3]>Pict_Total) {Ind[3]=Ind[3]%Pict_Total Numb[3]="<BLINK>"+Ind[3]+"</BLINK>" } Target[3]="next to the next picture" Descr_First=Picture[1].substr(9).replace(/\\\'/g,"'").replace(/\|/g,"!") Descr_Last =Picture[Pict_Total].substr(9).replace(/\\\'/g,"'").replace(/\|/g,"!") for (i=0;i<4;i++) {Descr[i]=Picture[Ind[i]].substr(9).replace(/\\\'/g,"'").replace(/\|/g,"!") Pict[i]=Picture[Ind[i]].substr(0,8)+" " Pict[i]=Pict[i].substr(0,Pict[i].indexOf(" ")) if (Ind[i]==1) Target[i]="first picture from the picture list" if (Ind[i]==2) Target[i]="second picture from the picture list" if (Ind[i]==Pict_Total) Target[i]="last picture from the picture list" if (Ind[i]==Pict_Total-1) Target[i]="second last picture from picture list" } defaultStatus="Click left mouse button on the big picture to return to picture list (or click [x] at top-right)" // HREF values for PICTURE.HTM navigational recursive self-calls First_HREF ="PICTURE.HTM?"+1+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr_First.replace(/ /g,"%20") Two_Back_HREF ="PICTURE.HTM?"+Ind[0]+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr[0].replace(/ /g,"%20") One_Back_HREF ="PICTURE.HTM?"+Ind[1]+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr[1].replace(/ /g,"%20") One_Ahead_HREF="PICTURE.HTM?"+Ind[2]+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr[2].replace(/ /g,"%20") Two_Ahead_HREF="PICTURE.HTM?"+Ind[3]+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr[3].replace(/ /g,"%20") Last_HREF ="PICTURE.HTM?"+Pict_Total+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Descr_Last.replace(/ /g,"%20") if (Pict_Ind==1) // "First" full button image description (IMG tag) Button[0]="<IMG SRC='BUT-FSTP.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0'></A>" else Button[0]="<A HREF="+First_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_Fst.src='BUT-FSTS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move to the first picture (on picture list)'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_Fst.src='BUT-FSTA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" +"<IMG NAME='But_Fst' SRC='BUT-FSTA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Move to the first picture'></A>" if (Pict_Ind==Pict_Total) // "Last" full button image description (IMG tag) Button[6]="<IMG SRC='BUT-LSTP.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0'></A>" else Button[6]="<A HREF="+Last_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_Lst.src='BUT-LSTS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move to the last picture (on picture list)'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_Lst.src='BUT-LSTA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" +"<IMG NAME='But_Lst' SRC='BUT-LSTA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 NAME='But_Lst' ALT='Move to the last picture'></A>" // Standard description heads for proximity navigation thumbnails and buttons Two_Back ="<A HREF="+Two_Back_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_2Bk.src='BUT-2BKS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move two pictures back ("+Target[0]+")'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_2Bk.src='BUT-2BKA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" One_Back ="<A HREF="+One_Back_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_1Bk.src='BUT-1BKS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move one picture back ("+Target[1]+")'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_1Bk.src='BUT-1BKA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" Return ="<A HREF='javascript:void(window.close())' " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_Stp.src='BUT-STPS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to return to picture list (or click [x] at window top-right corner)'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_Stp.src='BUT-STPA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" One_Ahead="<A HREF="+One_Ahead_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_1Ah.src='BUT-1AHS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move one picture ahead ("+Target[2]+")'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_1Ah.src='BUT-1AHA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" Two_Ahead="<A HREF="+Two_Ahead_HREF+" " +"onMouseOver=\"document.But_2Ah.src='BUT-2AHS.GIF'; window.status='Click left mouse button here to move two pictures ahead ("+Target[3]+")'; return true\"" +" onMouseOut=\"document.But_2Ah.src='BUT-2AHA.GIF'; window.status=''; return true\">" // Adjusted description tails for proximity navigation thumbnails and buttons Thumb_Two_Back ="" Thumb_One_Back ="" Thumb_One_Ahead="" Thumb_Two_Ahead="" if ((Pict_Total >4)|| // Move two pictures back (Pict_Total==4)&&(Pict_Ind >2)|| (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==3)) {Thumb_Two_Back=Two_Back +"<IMG SRC='"+Dn_Dir+Thum_Dir+"/"+Pict[0]+".JPG' ALT=\"#"+Ind[0]+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Descr[0]+"\" BORDER=1></A><BR>" +"<FONT SIZE=2><FONT COLOR=Purple>Two</FONT> <FONT COLOR=Red>back</FONT> to #"+Numb[0]+"</FONT>" Button[1]=Two_Back +"<IMG NAME='But_2Bk' SRC='BUT-2BKA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Move two pictures back'></A>" } if ((Pict_Total >3)|| // Move one picture back (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==3)|| (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==2)|| (Pict_Total==2)&&(Pict_Ind==2)) {Thumb_One_Back=One_Back +"<IMG SRC='"+Dn_Dir+Thum_Dir+"/"+Pict[1]+".JPG' ALT=\"#"+Ind[1]+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Descr[1]+"\" BORDER=1></A><BR>" +"<FONT SIZE=2><FONT COLOR=Green>One</FONT> <FONT COLOR=Red>back</FONT> to #"+Numb[1]+"</FONT>" Button[2]=One_Back +"<IMG NAME='But_1Bk' SRC='BUT-1BKA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Move one picture back'></A>" } Button[3]=Return // Always present when button bar is shown +"<IMG NAME='But_Stp' SRC='BUT-STPA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Return to the picture list'></A>" if ((Pict_Total >3)|| // Move one picture ahead (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==2)|| (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==1)|| (Pict_Total==2)&&(Pict_Ind==1)) {Thumb_One_Ahead="<FONT SIZE=2><FONT COLOR=Green>One</FONT> <FONT COLOR=Blue>ahead</FONT> to #"+Numb[2]+"</FONT><BR>" +One_Ahead +"<IMG SRC='"+Dn_Dir+Thum_Dir+"/"+Pict[2]+".JPG' ALT=\"#"+Ind[2]+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Descr[2]+"\" BORDER=1></A>" Button[4]=One_Ahead +"<IMG NAME='But_1Ah' SRC='BUT-1AHA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Move one picture ahead'></A>" } if ((Pict_Total >4)|| // Move two pictures ahead (Pict_Total==4)&&(Pict_Ind <3)|| (Pict_Total==3)&&(Pict_Ind==1)) {Thumb_Two_Ahead="<FONT SIZE=2><FONT COLOR=Purple>Two</FONT> <FONT COLOR=Blue>ahead</FONT> to #"+Numb[3]+"</FONT><BR>" +Two_Ahead +"<IMG SRC='"+Dn_Dir+Thum_Dir+"/"+Pict[3]+".JPG' ALT=\"#"+Ind[3]+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Descr[3]+"\" BORDER=1></A>" Button[5]=Two_Ahead +"<IMG NAME='But_2Ah' SRC='BUT-2AHA.GIF' WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=13 BORDER=0 ALT='Move two pictures ahead'></A>" } // Generate image presentation page with proximity navigation (as a table) // For debugging set BORDER=1 to see table structure T="<TABLE ALIGN=Center BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>" // Vertical centering for a big screen (moved a bit up to offset visual disbalance between bottm bar and top bars) if (window.innerHeight>600) T=T+"<TR><TD HEIGHT="+(window.innerHeight-500)/2+"></TD></TR>" else // Vertical centering for regular screen - for Netscape only // if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") // Doesn't distinguish Firefox from Netscape if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE" )==-1)&& (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")==-1)) T=T+"<TR><TD HEIGHT=7></TD></TR>" T=T+"<TR><TD ROWSPAN=6 WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Center>" +Return +"<IMG SRC='"+Dn_Dir+Pict_Dir+"/"+Curr_Pict+".JPG' ALT=\"#"+Pict_Ind+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Pict_Descr+"\" BORDER=1></A></TD>" // Generate thumbnails for proximity navigation T=T+"<TD ROWSPAN=6>    </TD>" +"<TR><TD COLSPAN=8 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=116 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Top>" +Thumb_Two_Back +"</TD></TR>" +"<TR><TD COLSPAN=8 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=116 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Top>" +Thumb_One_Back +"</TD></TR><TR>" for (i=0;i<7;i++) T=T+"<TD WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=17 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Center>"+Button[i]+"</TD>" T=T+"<TD WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=16></TD></TR>" // Extra pixel for adjustment +"<TR><TD COLSPAN=8 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=116 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Bottom>" +Thumb_One_Ahead +"</TD></TR>" +"<TR><TD COLSPAN=8 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=116 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Bottom>" +Thumb_Two_Ahead +"</TD></TR>" T=T+"</TABLE>" document.write(T) //--> </SCRIPT> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML>