<!-- Test Individual JavaScript "document.writes" 07/03/2000-11/21/2000 --> <!-- -------------------------------------------------------- 11/21/2000 --> <!-- www.davar.net/PC/JAVA-SCR/TEST-IDW.HTM --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Test Individual JavaScript "document.writes" (JavaScript at Davar Web Site)</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="Text/HTML; CharSet=ISO-8859-1"> <META NAME = Description CONTENT="Page: Test Individual JavaScript "document.writes". Site: Davar Web Site, Consulting, Programming, Mainframe, PC, Mathematics, Go, Zen, Quotations, Extracts, Humor, Taglines, Russian."> <META NAME = Keywords CONTENT="Davar Web Site, JavaScript, document.write"> <META NAME = Author CONTENT="Vladimir Veytsel"> <LINK REV = Made HREF ="mailto:Davar@poboxes.com"> </HEAD> <!-- Page: Test Individual JavaScript "document.writes". Site: Davar Web Site, Consulting, Programming, Mainframe, PC, Mathematics, Go, Zen, Quotations, Extracts, Humor, Taglines, Russian. --> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=Red><B><U>Test&nbsp; Individual&nbsp; JavaScript&nbsp; "document.write"s</U></B></FONT> <BR>&nbsp; <TABLE> <TR> <TD WIDTH=700> <P ALIGN=Justify>Every element of the table is used as an argument of a <B>document.write</B> that creates HTML code for the <U>individual</U> table cell.&nbsp; The <U>entire</U> table is the result of multiple <B>document.write</B>s.&nbsp; (Page loading/reloading time is noticeably <U>longer</U> than that for the test which uses <A HREF="TEST-JDW.HTM">joined</A> <B>document.write</B> to create HTML code for <U>each</U> element of the table). </P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> <!-- document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0>") for (i=1;i<20;i++) {document.write("<TR>") for (j=1;j<20;j++) {document.write("<TD><IMG SRC='EC.JPG' WIDTH=33 HEIGHT=33></TD>")} document.write("</TR>") } document.write("</TABLE>") //--> </SCRIPT> <BR> Use [<FONT COLOR=Red>Back</FONT>] button or [<FONT COLOR=Red>Alt</FONT>]+[<FONT COLOR=Red>CL</FONT>] to return to the previous page </CENTER> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML>