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[E ] [R ]
[T ] [Y ]
[U ] [I ]
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[D ] [F ]
[G ] [H ]
[J ] [K ]
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[b ] [n ]
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T o
get a handy keyboard reference print this page, cut out the top portion
of layout table (uppercase is sufficient) and place it on your keyboard or
near it.
I t
might happen that your printer will print blanks in place of certain colors
(Green seems to be out of favor with Netscape). If this is the case,
you can switch to black-and-white
keyboard and print it from there. Black-and-white version can also
be useful if it is necessary to customize template for a slightly
different keyboard layout - its HTML is much more simple than that of the
color one and can be easily modified by any text editor.
A nother
way to have a keyboard layout always close at hand is to save this text
(using [Ctrl]+[S]) say in C:\DAVAR\RUSSIAN directory and
place it in the Personal Toolbar (watch what you type: hyperlinks
are case-sensitive):
[Ctrl]+[B] to get bookmarks displayed.
Right click Personal Toolbar Folder line.
Select New Bookmark...
Enter Name: Ru (or any other appropriate button name).
Enter Location: C:\DAVAR\RUSSIAN\KBDRU-PH.HTM#Keyboard .
Click OK button.
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